Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Fabulous in Flint....

Beautiful Theatre...."The Whiting"
Jeremiah and me in the Chip Chair
Tickling the ivory in the theatre lobby before a show

Can you tell that I'm a huge fan??


Hanging with dad, playing "Abduction" on his Droid

My bus neighbors, Liz, Anthony, and Erin, goofing around

Flint, Michigan was awesome! All of our shows in the 2,000 seat theatre were sold out and we got a standing ovation at every show. The audiences were great. There was a piano in the lobby of the theatre that I got to play before the house opened. I miss my keyboard at home, but at the theatre I got a chance to practice some of the songs that I've written. Ellen, the merchandise manager on the tour, really liked my songs.
 Brian and GM, who work in 'Props', got Jeremiah and me this awesome leopard print chair with two seats. It's now our official "Chip Chair" and travels all over with us. Thanks for the chair guys, we love it! We like to park it outside the production office backstage so we can connect to the internet with our laptops and play games online.
The BEST part about Flint was that my dad came to visit me!! I was so happy to see him. He had to deal with 2 cancelled flights and then a 900 mile drive (one way) just to be with me for 2 days. It's been a month since I've seen him last and I missed him so much. He could only stay a few days because of work, but he'll be back again soon! I LOVE YOU DAD, YOU'RE THE BEST!

1 comment:

  1. Reese- So good to hear that you had a great time her in Flint. We are very proud of The Whiting. It's a great venue. All of my friends have been talking about how much they enjoyed your show. They can't stop talking about it on Facebook! Good look on the rest of your run!
